
Company registration in Switzerland

Photo 1 - Company registration in Switzerland

About Switzerland

Switzerland, in its full name the Swiss Confederation, is the state in the heart of Europe with four official languages and a federal structure (it consists of 26 cantons).


Switzerland distinguishes lovely nature, high-tech technology and stable financial systems which allows the state to remain a neutral country (Switzerland is not part of the EU or any military organizations). Well-developed infrastructures, political and economic stability, in addition to low taxes make Switzerland a very attractive place for living, leisure and doing business.


If you are wondering what kind of business is best to open in Switzerland, then it is worth noting that in recent years the largest number of new companies have been founded in such areas as handicrafts, consulting firms, retail, real estate (buying / renting housing), finance and insurance.


Company activities in Switzerland are regulated by Civil Code and Code of Obligations.

Types of companies

The most acceptable form of companies in Swiss may be the following:

  • Joint stock company (AG);
  • Limited Liability Company (GmbH). 
Photo 1 - Company registration in Switzerland

Company registration in Switzerland: requirements

  • The minimum authorized capital – 100 000CHF (approximately 105 000 USD), 50% of which must be paid by depositing funds into a bank account. The bank will monitor the funds until the issuing of the certificate of incorporation.
  • Shares – registered and/or bearer, the minimum cost of a share – 0,01CHF.
  • Director – at least 1 individual, who is a Swiss resident. Non-resident individual may also be appointed as a director in the Board of Directors (in this case the majority of which must be Swiss residents). All directors must be shareholders (it is enough to own at least 1 share).  
  • Members – at least 1, individual or legal person, no residency required.  
  • Secretary – not required.
  • An auditor should work in the company on a regular basis. 
  • Publicly available information: information about the directors kept in the Company Register.  
  • Company is obliged to keep and submit an annual financial report. 
  • The minimum authorized capital – 20 000CHF (approximately 21 000 USD), 100% of which must be paid by depositing funds into a bank account. The bank will monitor the funds until the issuing of the certificate of incorporation.
  • Shares – ordinary, the minimum cost of a share – 100CHF.
  • Director – at least 1 individual, who is a Swiss resident. Non-resident individual may also be appointed as a director in the Board of Directors (in this case the majority of which must be Swiss residents). 
  • Members – at least 1, individual or legal person, no residency required.  
  • Secretary – not required.  
  • An auditor should work in the company on a regular basis. 
  • Publicly available information: information about directors kept in the Company Register, about members – in the Commercial Register.
  • Company is obliged to keep and submit an annual financial report. 

There are three levels of taxation in Swiss: federal, cantonal and municipal. Each canton has its own tax legislation and is free to set tax rates and tax incentives.

Federal tax -  8,5%.

Cantonal taxes are higher and depend on the ration of profits and capital and reserve fund – 6 – 31%.

Withholding tax:

Dividends – 35%

Interest – 35%

Royalties – 0%

Payments to affiliates – 0%

VAT – 8,1%

Tax on capital:

Federal – 0%

Cantonal/municipal - 0,3 – 1,3%

Some cantons, like Zug, set the preferred system of taxation that can be useful when choosing a place for company registration. 

We also suggest that you consider registering a company in the Swiss canton of Nidwalden. In this canton, the income tax rate is 5,1% at the cantonal level and 8,5% at the federal level. The average tax rate will be around 12,66%.




Switzerland concluded more than 70 agreements on avoidance of double taxation, including Ukraine.


When registered a company in Swiss, be aware that the Swiss law has two levels (federal and cantonal) and might differ at the local level.

The most attractive on the part of a tax perspective is Zug canton. You may also register a company in Luzern, Vaud, Baar, Herisau, Bern, Geneva.

It should be noted, that there must be a statutory reserve of the company, which can reach 20% of the paid-up share capital and is used in emergencies (economic crisis, big losses etc.).

Switzerland is not an offshore zone, but a jurisdiction with preferential taxation, therefore the used concept of "offshore" should be interpreted as registering and doing business at reduced tax rates.


If you are planning to register a company in Switzerland, please contact our lawyers for advice:

+38 (098) 737-88-88

We will help you buy a Swiss offshore company or any other jurisdiction of your choice on the most favorable terms. Starting your own business as a company in Switzerland together with the Campio group is a cost-effective solution.

The cost of registering a company in Switzerland is determined specifically for each business and its features, so get the final price in a commercial offer after all the details have been clarified by our lawyer.

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