
Company registration in Austria

Photo 1 - Company registration in Austria

About Austria

Austria (official name is the Republic of Austria) – a union state of Central Europe, which consists of 9 independent lands.


The economy of the state is based on the high-tech industry and agriculture. The other source of fiscal revenue is tourism generated by rich cultural heritage and beautiful natural landscapes.


Moreover, in anticipation of joining the EU in 1995 the Parliament made some amendments to the law, which helped Austria to become one of the most cost-effective states in Europe for doing business. The advantages are also that it is not an offshore jurisdiction and the country is not blacklisted.

Austrian advantages:

  • High status jurisdiction, not included in offshore lists
  • Favorable territorial location for trade
  • No requirement to hire residents
  • Extensive list of double tax treaties
  • Opportunity to have a company and an account in one country
  • Obtaining a residence permit and citizenship of a European country

Company activity in Austria is regulated by:

  • Commercial Code;
  • Law on the promotion of new companies.
Types of companies

The Austrian law provides a lot of corporate forms (partnerships with limited and unlimited liability, Limited Liability Company, public joint stock company with limited liability etc), but the most preferable for foreigners are:

  • Joint stock company (AG);
  • Limited Liability Company (GmbH). 
Photo 1 - Company registration in Austria


  • The minimum authorized capital – 70.000€, 100% of which must be paid by the moment of incorporation. 
  • Shares – registered, bearer. Shares may be par value (from 1€) and without it.
  • Director (chairman of the board) –at least 1 individual, no residency required. There must be a Supervisory Board that appoints the Board for a term not exceeding 5 years.   
  • Members – at least 1, individual or legal person, no residency required.  
  • Secretary – not required.
  • Publicly available information: information about directors and shareholders. 
  • Company is obliged to keep and submit an annual financial report, an audit is not required for small companies.
  • Annual meetings of shareholders are required. 
  • The minimum charter capital is € 35000, 50% of which should be paid at the moment of company’s incorporation.
  • Shares – the minimum cost of a share – 70€.
  • Director – at least 1 individual, no residency required. If it is necessary for the company to be resident (for the purpose of the agreements on avoidance of double taxation) its executive body should locates in Austria.
  • Members – at least 1, individual or legal person, no residency required.  
  • Secretary – not required.  
  • Publicly available information: about directors and shareholders.
  • Company is obliged to keep and submit an annual financial report and to be audited (not required for small companies).
  • Annual meetings of shareholders are required.

The country has a territorial principle of taxation, that is, resident companies are subject to taxation on their entire world income, non-resident companies are only taxed on income derived from a source in Austria.

It is beneficial to open a business in Austria, because this European country offers a flexible taxation system. In particular, the following tax rates apply when opening a company in Austria:

Income tax –  23%.

Minimum corporate tax € 500 + 20% VAT.

Tax on capital – 0,8 - 1%.

VAT – 20% (reduced rate – 10%, applies to food, rent, tourism, agriculture products).

Taxes on income source:


  • EU – the parent company: 0%
  • state with agreements on avoidance of double taxation: 0 % - 10 %
  • Other countries: 25%



  • EU – the parent company: 0%
  • state with agreements on avoidance of double taxation: 0 % - 25 %
  • Other countries: 25%



Austria concluded more than 90 agreements on avoidance of double taxation, including Ukraine.


If you are planning to register a company in Austria, please contact our lawyers for advice:

+38 (098) 737-88-88

We will help you buy an offshore company in Austria or any other jurisdiction of your choice on the most favorable terms. Opening a company in Austria together with the Campio Group is safe and profitable.

The cost of registering a company in Austria depends on the chosen form of the company and is formed on a turnkey basis, check the final price with our lawyers.

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