«UBS» is one of the largest Swiss bank, which has been established in 1912 and after that in December 1997 has been unionized with the Swiss Bank Corporation, which has been established in 1872. Due to the almost 150 years of experience, UBS Bank is characterized by reliability, professionalism of staff personnel and a high degree of bank secrecy protection.
Bank appears to be an open join stock corporation, and its shares are recognized by world stock markets.
Bank main offices are located in Zurich and Basel, the representative offices - in the main world financial centers. The service personnel consists on 60 000 people. UBS offices located in more than 50 countries all around the world, and according to mentioned in South and North America there are about 35% of staff in Switzerland - 36% in the rest of Europe, of the Middle East and Africa - 17 % and in the Asia- Pacific region - 12%.
Opening a current account - 1000 CHF.
The minimum minimum balance - 1 000 000 CHF (depending on the account currency).
Within a few weeks after opening an account, it is necessary to make investments in the investment portfolio of the bank (minimum 500 000 CHF).
Switzerland, England, Singapore, Russia and in other countries.
Via Internet-banking, fax
Tariffs are determined individually and will depend on the account type, which bank will consent to open on the basis of submitted information and risks associated with the company activity.
The procedure of opening the account consists of two stages: the preliminary stage and final stage of opening an account.
The preliminary stage includes the process of gathering and submitting documents. Term of the preliminary stage will depends precisely on the client.
The procedure of consideration the documents and reaching the decision by bank staff regarding opening an account takes 2-3 weeks starting from the date when the documents are submitted to the Bank.
English, French, German, Russian, etc.
Visa, MasterCard, American Express
Bank provides all range of services (credits, security bonds, letter of credits, deposits, securities services, merchant services, etc.)
Forms to be signed will be provided in Campio Group office.
The documents required for the company:
Originals of all company’s statutory documents affixed with apostile, resolution of director concerning opening an account in UBS bank under apostile. Provided that company exists more than one year, the Certificate of Good Standing affixed with apostile should be presented.
Documents for account holder:
- original of international passport;
- original of national passport.
Documents for beneficiary owner of the company:
- original of international passport;
- original of national passport.
Documents for nominee director and shareholder ( in case the company use nominee service):
- copy of passport under apostile, if nominees are physical persons;
- copy of statutory documents under apostile, if nominees – legal entities. Also bank may ask to provide copy of passport under apostile of director of nominee legal entity.
UBS bank follows the “know your client” principle and in each particular case reserve the right to request the client to present any additional information or documents and consequently this may take additional time. Bank also may refuse to open the account without any explanations.
At the very start of procedure client should fill in the survey questionnaire, provide business-plan of company activity, and submit scan copies of statutory documents of company along with documents for account holder and beneficiary owner.
Campio Group composes the package of documents and approves it with bank manager. Once bank pre-approves opening an account, Campio Group will organize in-personal meeting of account holder and beneficiary owner with bank representative in Kiev for signing bank form, certifying client’s documents. Once bank reaches a positive decision concerning opening account, the requisites of account will be emailed to clients for account management.
For further consultation concerning the terms of account opening in UBS bank (Switzerland) please contact our office. We will respond to any questions you may have and will help you open an account in Swiss bank UBS or any other bank out of 70 foreign banks you may choose from.